Different public sectors like schools, universities, hospitals, official buildings, administration properties, parks, malls, stores, clubs and so on have different rules in their own premises. Some of these rules are made to help the visitors, while others have positive results for the owners or the hosts.
There might be different sets of rules for different venues, and so this collection of Not Allowed Signs has a variety of downloadable printables stating various Not Allowed instructions, suitable for every relevant need in all kinds of places. They have simple designs and get the job done with perfection.
You can make signboards, stickers, posters, banners, flyers, placards or cards out of these printables and place them in your desired location to help people understand the regulations and act accordingly. The signs are also suitable for personal and private use.
This compilation of 179+ printable Not Allowed Signs has covered every possible Not Allowed theme, and they are presented to you in the easily downloadable PDF format. You can simply click on the download button to download the entire collection, or you can even individually download the ones you require.
No dogs Allowed Sign (Printable 25+ PDF to Download )
Want to prohibit Dog? Use these below listed signs.
Some of the signs available in the list are:
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Download 25+ Printable No dogs Allowed Sign
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No Parking Sign (Printable 76+ PDF to Download )
Some of the signs available in the list are:
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Download 75+ Printable No Parking Sign
Here are more Not Allowed sigs:
1. Salesman Not Allowed Sign:
The Salesman Not Allowed Sign is useful for the public as well as private places. It can be used as sign boards, banners, posters, stickers and other textual content to prevent salespersons from accessing the said properties. These can prevent such visitors from entering any official buildings or commercial sites once they are put up.
It can be very frustrating when you are drowned in workload or are enjoying some private time, and an unwanted salesperson shows up. To prevent any such disturbances, you can simply put this sign up and get your work done in peace.
2. Signing Not Allowed Sign:
This Not Allowed Sign listed above has no specific descriptions and is meant for everyone. It has vibrant colours in its symbolic and sexual contents, making it visually appealing. The sign can be made into stickers, posters, banners and other instructive content using its simple outlook.
It also alerts the viewers regarding the rules of the premises and ensures that they clearly get the message. Placing this sign near restricted areas and prohibited sections of a building can help in alerting more people and keep the space undisturbed.
3. Smoking Not Allowed Sign:
Many public places do not allow smoking, and several officials, administrative, educational and medical grounds have a clear prohibition on smoking. Most of these places do not allow smoking due to legal protocols or moral ideologies.
If you want to convey the message of No Smoking Allowed in a particular place, you can simply make sign boards, banners, posters or stickers out of this Smoking Not Allowed Sign and place them all over the seed premises to warn the viewers with clarity without any further misunderstandings.
4. Unauthorized Person Not Allowed Sign:
Some official grounds, public sector administration buildings, and other areas with important ongoing works have only specified and authorized people allowed to enter them due to the prevention of legal or medical hazards.
The Unauthorized Person Not Allowed Sign is perfect for making stickers, posters, boards, placards or banners and using them to convey the alert to prohibit unauthorized people from entering the area where the sign is placed, thus getting the job done without unwanted interactions or misunderstandings.
5. Warning – No Stupid People Beyond This Point:
6. Black And White Shoes Not Allowed Sign:
Many public places involving fun activities, religious grounds and educational discussions require the visitors to leave their shoes behind before entering. This Black And White Shoes Not Allowed Sign is perfect for conveying the instruction to open your shoes before entering with clarity.
Such places usually have this rule to maintain hygiene or due to faith. The simple design of this printable uses two highly contrasting colors, making the visual approach of the sign quite high. It has a symbolic representation alongside clear, bold textual instructions and a vivid warning.
7. Dogs Not Allowed Sign:
Some public areas do not allow pets to enter the premises due to hygiene or medical reasons. Places like hospitals, libraries, museums, schools etc., do not usually allow anyone to carry their pets. This is where the Dogs Not Allowed Sign comes in handy.
This easily downloadable printable can be made into door hangers, stickers, posters, flyers, signboards or banners and placed in nearby venues that do not allow any pet dogs to enter the property. Its bright approach catches the attention of the viewers, quickly successfully spreading the note.
8. Eating Not Allowed Sign:
9. Firearms Not Allowed Sign:
10. Food And Beverage Not Allowed Sign:
11. Food And Drink Not Allowed Sign:
12. Food Not Allowed Sign:
13. No Bags Allowed Sign:
14. No Bicycles Allowed Sign:
15. No Bikes Allowed Sign:
16. No Children Allowed Sign:
17. No Children’s Allowed Sign:
18. No Drugs Allowed Sign:
19. No Drugs Allowed Sign:
20. No Dumping Allowed Sign:
21. No Firearms Allowed Sign:
22. No Fishing Allowed Sign:
23. No Girls Allowed Sign:
24. No Idiots Allowed Sign:
25. No Men Allowed Sign:
26. No Motor Vehicles Allowed Sign:
27. No Phones Allowed Signs:
28. No Fishing Allowed Sign:
29. No Phones Allowed Sign:
30. No Pigs Allowed Sign:
31. No Shoes Allowed Sign:
32. No Trucks Allowed Signs:
33. No Trucks Allowed Sign:
34. No Vehicles Allowed Sign:
35. Outside Food Not Allowed Sign:
36. Parking Not Allowed Sign:
37. Pet Not Allowed Sign:
38. Pets Not Allowed Sign:
39. Photography Not Allowed Sign:
40. Red Not Allowed Sign:
41. No Dog Poop Allowed Sign:
42. No Drinks Allowed Sign:
43. No Electronic Devices Allowed Sign:
44. No Fun Allowed Sign:
45. No Gays Allowed Sign:
46. No Hoodies Allowed Sign:
47. No Irish Allowed Sign:
48. No jewelry allowed sign:
49. No Mobiles Allowed Sign:
50. No Moms Allowed Sign:
51. No Monkeys Allowed Sign:
52. No Monsters Allowed Sign:
53. No Muggles Allowed Sign:
54. No Parents Allowed Sign:
55. No Pedestrian Allowed Sign:
56. No Pedestrians Allowed Sign:
57. No People Allowed Sign:
58. No Photoes Allowed Sign:
59. No Pictures Allowed Sign:
60. No Rats Allowed Sign:
61. No Salesman Allowed Sign:
62. No Slippers Allowed Sign:
63. No Smoking Allowed Sign:
64. No Strollers Allowed Sign:
65. No Students Allowed Sign:
66. No Toys Allowed Sign:
67. No Turns Allowed Sign:
68. No Weapons Allowed Sign:
69. No Women Allowed Sign:
70. Not Allowed Allowed Sign:
71. Printable Not Allowed Sign:
72. Funny No Shoes Allowed Sign:
73. No Alcohol Allowed Sign:
74. No Animals Allowed Sign:
75. No Backpacks Allowed Sign:
76. No Beverages Allowed Sign:
77. No Birds Allowed Sign:
78. No Blacks Allowed Sign:
79. No Boys Allowed Sign:
80. No Camera Allowed Sign:
81. No Cameras Allowed Sign:
82. No Cats Allowed Sign :
83. No Chicken Allowed Sign:
84. No Clothes Allowed Sign:
85. No Deer Allowed Sign:
85. outsiders not allowed sign